Take a Seat

Can I be real with you for a minute? I have a hard time sitting still. I mean seriously. In school, I was always tapping my leg, my foot, leaning back in my chair, turning around, or messing with stuff in my desk. I stayed in sports year-round, mainly because I loved them, but I also knew I needed to be involved in some sort of activity. Now, I have a hard time staying in one thought or idea. One day I want to do this job, move to this city, serve in this ministry. The list goes on. Here lately, I have been telling myself to have several seats. Ciera, you are doing THE MOST. I was not the only one telling myself to sit down, Jesus put me in my place real quick.

Recently my mind has been consumed with thoughts of what my ‘next’ is. In my career, my living situation, my singleness, and even in my purpose. I’m not really sure if this is beneficial or damaging, but we can just say I have an eager spirit, right? (Oh, you’re going to act like you don’t disguise your dysfunctions too? Okay.) The issue with always worrying about your next is you miss right now. I constantly find myself stepping in one blessing, just to start asking God for the next one. God is probably saying, “Girl! You haven’t even experienced my glory in this one yet!”.  If I was God, I wouldn’t want to send me another blessing until I learn to appreciate the ones that I have. Thank goodness I’m not God. 

Just at the perfect time, I stumbled across one of the well-known stories of Martha and her sister Mary, in the book of Luke. Having read the story before I was not expecting God to speak to me as loud and clear as He did. In just 5 short verses, we see two different interactions with Jesus. Martha, distracted by her many tasks of preparing her home and a meal for Jesus. Then Mary, sitting at the feet of Jesus listening. In times past, I always questioned how Martha could be distracted when the son of God was in her home. As I read this time, I realized I was Martha. Trying to plan and prepare for Jesus, when it really was a distraction from His presence. I understand Martha now. I believe she had really good intentions. In fact, I know she did. She wonders why her sister is not helping her serve [Luke 10:40]. Not, thoughts of her sister trying to spend more time with Jesus, nor does she simply not care Jesus is there. Martha wanted to serve. Jesus just wanted her to sit. If we are all honest with ourselves, I think many of us would relate more to Martha than Mary. Trying to serve God, serve in church, serve your family, at work, and a list of other areas and tasks you feel needed. Not even with a bad attitude or a hard heart, just busy and distracted. I related in the fact that I feel called to lead in ministry. With this blog, on social media, and in other ways; I just want to serve Christ. Immediately, I heard God say “you are trying to be like Martha in a season I’ve called you to be like Mary.” Sitting at the feet of Jesus, listening. Girl, I boohoo cried. I have been so distracted in serving, I have forgotten to truly just sit in the presence of God.

There is a time to work and there is a time to rest. Right now, God is calling me to have a seat at his feet. To open my bible, sit in prayer, and even sit in silence and just listen. In order to give, we must first receive. How can we receive if we do not make room for it? Martha had the right idea; it was just the wrong time. Best believe God has called us to serve. That is what he did with His time on earth, but He also wants us to spend time with Him. Do not get so lost in your calling that you forget to spend time with the one who called you. Jesus told Mary that she was distracted by many things, but one thing was necessary [Luke 10:42]. If it isn’t obvious, that one thing is Christ Jesus. Jesus needs empty vessels, not distracted ones. Let’s begin to clear our minds of our next and focus on what God is trying to give us right now, in His presence.

Sit down, Be Still, and Listen. 

“How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of Heavens Armies. I long, yes, I faint with longing to enter the courts of the Lord. With my whole being, body, and soul, I will shout joyfully to the Living God.”

Psalm 84:1-2

“Come close to God, and God will come close to you…”

James 4:8